Going Back to the Drawing Board


Going Back to the Drawing Board

The Chief Nursing Officers (CNO’s) have teamed up with the NMC to create three animations to demonstrate how nurses and midwives can use the Enabling Professionalism framework more effectively. This guide helps to reflect on their practice.

These animations were launched on October 30th at the Annual Regulation Conference in Scotland, with the aim of highlighting scenarios where practical use of the Enabling professional framework is possible, to challenge bad practise and reflect on their behaviour.

Charlotte McArdle, Chief Nursing Officer for Northern Ireland, commented “Professionalism means different things to different people…none-the-less what unites practice and behaviour and underpins all that we do as nurses and midwives…Enabling Professionalism should help nurses and midwives think about their daily practice as they work across systems, and the impact they have on the lives of others.”

The animation scenarios were developed from real life examples with the help of the project board to demonstrate the application across a range of areas of practice.

Jackie Smith, Chief Executive and Registrar of the NMC, said “We want all nurses and midwives to be able to provide the best care possible. Applying the principles and standards of the Code should be at the centre of all nursing and midwifery practice. These animations can be used by nurses and midwives as a tool to help them reflect on the care they are providing and to ensure they are applying principles of professionalism in their everyday practice.”

The animations

1) A community-based nurse uses Enabling professionalism to address and rectify some medicines management issues.

2) A midwife uses Enabling professionalism to have a difficult conversation with a colleague, in which she challenges her colleague’s behaviour outside the health setting they work in.

3) A staff nurse working at a nursing home uses Enabling professionalism to challenge poor practice at her local hospital, outside her normal practice setting. She doesn’t feel confident challenging the practice while it is happening, but after reading the framework, and in discussion with a colleague, knows how to address the practice that she saw. She uses Enabling professionalism to help her reflect on her practice as part of revalidation.

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